Can I cancel or move my booking?

Can I cancel or move my booking?

For simple instructions on how to move a booking online, please follow our step by step guide to moving bookings.

Bookings that don't need payment (ie the activity is included in your membership) can be cancelled in our App or online booking website. In order to let as many customers as possible have a chance to book, we do charge a late cancellation fee (cancelled less than 3 hours before the activity starts) and a no show fee.  Details of these are below.

1. For the following activities payment is made at the time of booking. There are no refunds and bookings cannot be moved.
  • Aquadash
  • Family Clip n Climb
  • Family Climb Taster sessions
  • Family Swim sessions
  • Casual pitch bookings.
  1.  For Summer Holiday camps and coaching you can request a full refund up to 14 days before your booking start date. We may consider full refunds within this timescale in exceptional circumstances
  2. If you are an Edinburgh Leisure Direct Debit member and your membership includes the activity you are booking (eg having a Fitness Class membership and booking a Fitness Class) you can cancel a booking for your activity at no charge up to 3 hours before your activity is due to start. This is to encourage customers to cancel any bookings they may have made but can no longer attend well in advance so others have a chance to book these spaces. 

    This means if you cancel a booking less than 3 hours before it starts you will receive a £3.00 charge (£5.00 for golf). Also if you fail to attend a pre-booked activity, you will be charged a No Show fee of £3.00 (£5.00 for golf). These charges will be raised the night after the activity.  You will also receive an email advising you of the charge and also how to pay for it.  We recommend you pay for any charges as soon as possible.  If the charge is still on your account after 7 days of it being raised your ability to book and swipe in for any other activities will be stopped until your balance is cleared.

    You can cancel using the app or online booking system.
  3. If you have to pay for your activity at the time of booking it, eg if you have a Discount Card, Pay as You Go account or you are a member booking an activity not included in your membership), there are no refunds and bookings cannot be moved.

    There is one exception to this. If you book a court to play tennis, badminton or squash (or table tennis) you can move your booking to another time online (
    via  At present our app does not allow you to move a booking.  You  can be move to another day or time up to 24 hours before your booking time. 

    To move your tennis, badminton, squash or table tennis booking;
  1. Login to
  2. Click Manage Bookings
  3. Locate your booking.  If it is able to be moved you will see the following blue icon under the Actions column;

    If it is grey then your booking is not able to be moved.  Click the icon.
  4. You will be presented with a weekly calendar of available slots (green).  Click the day you wish to move your booking to.
  5. You will be presented with the available courts for that day. (green).  Click on the court and time you wish to move your booking to.
  6. Review the the day and time you are moving your booking to.  Click Confirm.

 Please follow this link to see our full activitybooking guidelines. 

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