1. Why is Edinburgh Leisure introducing this new requirement?
Edinburgh Leisure is aligning its policies with school pool lets, where clubs are already responsible for providing their own qualified persons with rescue responsibility. This change reflects a consistent approach to our booking policy across the Edinburgh Leisure estate and will allow our continued efforts to support a sustainable future for our facilities.
2. When does this change come into effect?
The new requirement will come into effect from 1st August 2025, which is in line with the new extended let booking year and provides Edinburgh Leisure and clubs sufficient time to prepare effectively for this change.
3. What support is Edinburgh Leisure offering to clubs during this transition?
To support clubs, Edinburgh Leisure will cover the costs of training and upskilling individuals to obtain the required qualifications. Currents costs are £135 per person.
4. What qualification will the clubs need to provide Individuals with rescue responsibility must hold the National Rescue Award for Swim Teachers and Coaches (NRA) (minimum standard)?
The NRA is not a lifesaving qualification, it is specifically designed for individuals supervising programmed activities, such as swim coaching and teaching. Further details on qualifications can be discussed during the club meetings.
5. How long does it take to complete the NRA?
The NRA is a short qualification, typically taking 2 days.
6. Who will be eligible for the training?
Coaches, volunteers, or other individuals nominated by your club can be put forward for the NRA training. We encourage clubs to identify who will be best suited for this role, however Edinburgh Leisure propose that coaches obtain the qualification.
All individuals must be 16 years old on the first day of the course and must be able to climb out of the pool unaided, without ladder/steps, where the pool design permits.
7. How do we arrange for our volunteers/coaches to undergo training?
Edinburgh Leisure will coordinate the training opportunities, including dates, venues, and processes for booking places. EL will be in touch to share the dates and how to book, and if required this can be discussed at the upcoming meetings.
8. Will there be training opportunities provided to maintain lifeguarding qualification?
No ongoing training is required as part of the NRA renewal process however coaches will be provided with site specific training for each pool.
9. How long is the qualification valid?
NRASTC qualifications are valid for 2 years. Clubs will need to plan for requalification ahead of expiry to maintain compliance. Current cost of NRA renewals is £95 per person.
Edinburgh Leisure bookings team will provide a reminder ahead of the expiry.
10. Will there be a structured calendar so that courses and training can be planned annually?
Yes, there will be several NRA courses scheduled throughout the year for renewals, as well as full NRA courses for any new coaches/ individuals requiring upskilling.
10. What happens if our club cannot provide rescue responsibility?
Clubs hiring the full pool must have a person with rescue responsibility as part of the new policy. Edinburgh Leisure will work closely with clubs to ensure they are ready ahead of August 2025. By coaches obtaining the qualification this should be rare, however, failure to meet this requirement will impact the ability to access the pool and you will still be charged for the let.
11. Will this requirement apply to partial pool hires or lane bookings?
No, this change only applies to full pool hires (except for Ainslie Park). For lane bookings or other shared pool use, Edinburgh Leisure will continue to provide lifeguard cover as usual.
12. Who will be responsible for pool set ups?
Edinburgh Leisure will continue to set up pools as per the booking requirements.
13. Will there be additional costs to clubs in the future?
Edinburgh Leisure will cover the initial training costs for individuals identified by your club. Any ongoing costs, such as requalification, will need to be covered by clubs directly.
14. How will this affect the pool hire charges?
Pricing will remain unchanged, with pool hire charges continuing to follow Edinburgh Leisure’s annual price adjustments.
15. Are there any other requirements?
Clubs will have to submit a suitable and sufficient risk assessment, identifying how they will manage the risks of the activity.
Each club session will need the person with rescue responsibility to sign in, this will be checked with the names provided. If there is no person with rescue responsibility the let will not be able to take place.
16. Who can I contact if I have further questions?
Please collate any additional questions and book in a meeting where we can discuss this further.